November 26, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving

Today I spent a lot of time talking to my sister about shoes so I don't have much time to write...haha!  

This week we had our Thanksgiving party as a zone which was super fun!  We had some good fun and good food.  We had a testimony meeting so that we were also "spiritually feasting" as well and the spirit was so strong.

I realised the importance of having good friends and that you can still do fun things with them!  That is such a blessing to find those who have the same goals, standards, values as yourself and be around people who push you to be better to become someone better.  It is also important that we are doing that for others as well!  But I realised especially for me, I need to surround myself with good people and you can still have so much fun with them (something I didn't think was possible)!  So yes, Mormons are not all weird people :)

Also, me and a Filipna sister made the turkey, mashed potatoes, and home made rolls.  Something I probably never want to do again because it was disgusting, but I guess the mission really is preparing me in lots of different ways!  Joking dad don't worry ;)

This week the challenge for our zone to help us talk with everyone was to hand out a Book of Mormon everyday.  At the beginning of the week I was a little bit suspicious because I thought it would be super hard to do, but what I realised is that it is actually a lot easier than I thought.  Maybe that is because the Lord knew I was finally looking so He put people in my path, but it was a miracle!  
We gave one out to someone everyday this week and a couple of them seem interested in continuing to meet!

Sunday was a little bit cham just because investigators did not attend church like we thought they would and then they were not keeping their commitments. Last night ended great though because we went out finding and after an hour of NO ONE wanting to talk or have interest or want to take our Book of Mormon and as we were walking home I heard people speaking Mandarin and decided to try and see so I did and they were super nice and friendly.  I hope they will progress into something.  I am also happy because we FINALLY got our Liahonas this month with the conference addresses so I can not wait to read it over and over again!

Well I think that is about it!

Love you all,
Sister Loo 

​​​​​​​​Photo's of Thanksgiving!

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