November 19, 2017

The Ups and Downs of Missionary Work...

Well the mission sure is full of ups and downs.  There were (of course) lots of miracles and there were (of course) lots of disappointments as well.

One small thing I learned that I don't know if I have shared, is just that I more fully understand why we love the people on our mission so much, why we so badly want them to keep their commitments and understand their relationship with their Saviour!  The reason is not only because we know they will be blessed for it, but because we are willing and everyday we are making sacrifices for them.  That is the reason why our Saviour loves us so much and that is also the reasons mothers love their kids.  They both sacrifice a ton because they care so much and want the best for these people.

So if you are struggling with someone, not getting along with a sibling.. the easy solution would be to sacrifice something in their behalf!  Serve them and then watch as your love for them grows :)  I hope that makes sense, my english structures are so bad now!

We also had another opportunity to teach visitors this week!  Every time I am taken back by their faith, it is such a great refresher for my own faith and to know that you don't have to have a perfect knowledge to believe.  Hang on to the things you do know!

It was a mom and her 16 year old daughter who came with their friend who has been a member for 10 years (she is also SO amazing and is such an amazing missionary!).  The mom was super unsure and felt nervous in the morning, but after she was baptised she completely changed!  She was so excited, so energetic and had a ton of energy!  I feel truly blessed to be able to participate in their special day, it really is an experience you can not describe!

We also love it because they come down and are willing to keep the commitments, are willing to make the sacrifices necessary to change and have the desire to follow their Saviour.  It is a good change up from what is usually experienced everyday :)

This past week, to get into the Thanksgiving Spirit among people who don't celebrate Thanksgiving we talked about things that we are grateful for in district meeting, starting with our missions!  It motivated me to try saying a prayer in which I only thanked my Heavenly Father.  It really was cool to think of the innumerable things I have been blessed with!  The greatest blessing this thanksgiving is the opportunity I have to represent my Saviour for 18 months and share His gospel with the people of Hong Kong.

Well that is it for the week!  I hope everyone has a wonderful thanksgiving and takes time this week and everyday after that abut the many blessings the Lord has bestowed upon each one of us.  He truly is merciful!

Sister Loo

Visitors!!!  Sorry one of them is blurry.. don't let elders take pictures haha

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