December 3, 2017

It's a dull dull week...

So when I say this week was a doozy it really was so I have nothing for my blog.. there was a lot of meetings as we have 2 new zone leaders and 2 new elders replacing the ones that were here before, but that is all that really happened!

We had the opportunity to go to everyday branch this week as different sisters were leaving to Macau and with sister Bolcolcol heading home so that was always nice to partake of the sacrament in the middle of the week!

We had the opportunity to see how the new RS and Elders quorum teaching is going to work and it is amazing!  So inspired and I am excited to see how it will be utilised in my branch!  It will be great for everyone to share their own thoughts!

Yup that is it.. I guess I can share some spiritual quotes that would probably be good.

"Life is unfair to you, life is unfair to me therefore life is FAIR" :)

As I have been studying about hope this week, a senior missionary talked on this topic as well.. she said, "Hope is a virtue for all seasons AND hope is the portal to peace!"

Love,Sister Loo

We love our senior missionaries haha!

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