November 12, 2017

Missions and Baptisms

黄姐妹 was baptised yesterday!  It was an awesome service and she was super happy especially once she came up out of the water and that was really cool for me to see!  Her daughter was there and had a fever and cold but was such a trooper through the whole thing.  Usually 黄姐妹 would leave if Julia was feeling sick so it was a miracle she stayed!  黄姐妹 is an amazing mom and I am excited and hopeful that this gospel will really bless them as they strive to be faithful!

It was interesting because we visited a family in our branch this week and they really testified how the gospel principles and applying them into their everyday lives, especially with parenting is the best parenting book they could ever have.  It is really true, we have been given the guidelines, the syllabus, the map, whatever you want to call it to succeed and have a happy life!

This week as a zone we had a bit of a challenge and it was simply to hand out a family proclamation everyday!  It was amazing to me how many people were so willing to accept it without hesitation, that is not exactly common when you try to give out fliers!  I realised how willing and open people are to talking about their families because that is what makes them happy.  And who wouldn't want to accept a pamphlet talking about how to have an even better relationship with your spouse and children or have a sure way to bring happiness and peace into the walls of your home!  I would challenge everyone to look at it and find something they can better apply into their own families.  

Well unfortunately that was all the excitement of the week!

The MTR train to Disneyland (no we went to a place next to disneyland because we can't afford it haah)
Sister Lorie was also baptised yesterday!
Sister Arago birthday!!!  And the cake I quickly made for her!

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