November 5, 2017

Administering to Others...

One thing I have struggled with since my call to be a Sister Training Leader is how much time is needed to do things like talk trees or zone leadership meetings.  I have learned that this is a different part of missionary work (administering to the sisters) but is very important.

I recently read Alma15:16&18 which says,"And it came to pass that Alma and Amulek, Amulek having forsaken all his gold, and silver, and his precious things, which were in the land of Ammonihah, for the word of God, he being rejected by those who were once his friends and also by his father and his kindred; Now as said, Alma having seen all these things, therefore he took Amulek and came over to the land of Zarahemla, and took him to his own house, and did administer unto him in his tribulations, and strengthened him in the Lord."

It is amazing how much this scripture relates to me.  Alma shows the importance of the one and strengthening the one so that they can then go and strengthen others.  It is true that if our testimony as missionaries is not being strengthened how are we supposed to strengthen those around us?  And that is a huge part of my calling as STL :)

This week we had the amazing opportunity to have mission tour with Elder Evans.  There were a lot of miracles in the timing of when he came to talk with us.  As a mission we are striving to have 242 baptisms by the end of the year.. right now we are just over 150 and still have 88 to go.

Well we discussed that, 242 was just a goal and that there was no plans or actions! During the mission tour he helped us realise a better way of finding and that is talking with everyone and asking referrals 100%. Because this is a better way of finding and many people just in 5 hours saw miracles from following his advice we decided to set a new goal of 560 (that is 2 new investigators per companionship per week) new investigators for this month.

To put that in perspective, every month we roughly get 120 new investigators as a mission.  Our plan of action? Talk with EVERYONE and ask referrals 100% (With that being said does anyone have any body I can teach in Hong Kong haha ).  We are all pumped and know the Lord will bless us as we are willing and have the faith and desire to reach this goal!

As we have applied this into our own companionship there has been 2 big miracles!  On Friday, we were coming back from a teaching appointment and I heard a family speaking mandarin.  As we got on the MTR I kept telling myself I needed to open my mouth and talk to them.  When I got the courage to do and as we started talking about the gospel he mentioned multiple times that he had a lot of interest!

We also were able to meet a walk in who wants to go to BYU because they have a great accounting program so she wanted to know about the religion that is "tied" to the school!  Anyways, she came with her mom who originally said she was just accompanying her, but as we taught the restoration you could see her mothers eyes just open up and she was REALLY engaged, asking amazing questions and everything!

So once again, set your mind to something, do it wholeheartedly and the Lord will shower blessings upon you!

Sorry, my English is so bad now.  I hope you can understand me.


Matching for Halloween!  What are we?  Probably nuns..?

When the smoke detector goes off in your house
and President tells you to wait outside for 10 minutes just in case! 
10,000 Buddha!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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