October 29, 2017

What a GREAT week!!!

What a great week it has been with more blessings showered upon us!

Yesterday was fast Sunday for us and it was amazing.  I have learned to be pretty direct in what I ask Heavenly Father for so I was hoping that our investigator who just had her baby would come to church and run up to us and tell us she wants an eternal family and to be baptised (that was pushing it a little so I was kind of joking with Him haha) as well as some other things. Well, what I got was different from that, but still far better than what I asked for.

The Lord has an interesting way of doing that.. Not exactly giving us what we ask for, but giving us something greater and something that will help us way more!  So the miracles that I experienced yesterday are these:

1. I saw a sister who used to be in our branch, but moved to the english branch as her kids liked it better.  She was super happy to see me, said she missed talking to us (only elders serve in that branch haha) and wanted to have us over for dinner.  I was happy because I had no idea that she even remembered me and that she missed us!

2.  One of our investigators and her sons showed up to church.  She only spends 1 weekend here in HK the rest in China so I was surprised to see her.  But she was telling me different problems she had, but was so amazing was her faith.  She knew that she just had to keep reading her scriptures, go to church and pray, and that God would give her an answer and arrange things perfectly for her.

When I invited her/reminded her that she could also fast for these things she was ecstatic and told me that was a great idea!  She also knew about baptisms for the dead and the reaction it has to family history work and we have yet to teach her that lesson! 

3. Our investigator who just had a baby, her husband (who is a member) came to church and bore his testimony on being a father and how happy he was to have his baby girl, which I think means he will push harder to have his wife baptised :) 

4. A Seventy who was just "released" (idk the correct church terms) this past general conference has joined our branch and I am pumped because I think he will be able to help our branch grow and progress in ways that we as missionaries can't!

5. Last, but not least, another one of our investigators who is getting baptised on the 12 asked me to get her a fast offering slip so that she could pay her offerings.  When I forgot, she reminded me!  I was so amazed by her desire to keep this commandment and pay her tithing even though she has not been baptised yet!

So yes the Lord truly blessed me with many many miracles!

One last thing to share.. as we were talking about eternal marriage in sunday school a sister whose husband is not a member asked what she should be doing to prepare for this. sister Toronto made the comment that there are different things we are entitled to and different things that are a privilege.  In the family proclamation paragraph 7 it says that children are entitled to this.  I thought it was super cool and something I have never thought about!

The Lord has a perfect timeline and one thing He will not do is withhold blessings from us :)

What a wonderful Sunday it was!

Love you all,
Sister Loo

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