October 16, 2017

Not another Typhoon...

Unfortunately yesterday there was another Typhoon, which means no church, which means no sacrament for 2 weeks!  :( We were super sad because we had a lot of expectations for Sunday, but I guess we will just have to wait until next week.  Things got a little crazy in the apartment.. try being in an apartment for 12 hours straight not allowed outside.. it is not fun!

On Monday there were walk ins to the church who are students studying filmmaking.  They want to make a film on the church, especially the missionaries who serve here.  They were so fascinated with what we do, why we do it and how the heck we can learn the language so fast.  It was nice because they also want to help the church have a better name as most people associate our church with a cult.  The girl mentioned how when she walked in, "Everyone was super nice to her and it was a lot lighter/happier."  So definitely a different kind of investigator, but a cool experience none the less!

We had our interviews with President this week and the man is, well, amazing but more specifically has the gift of discernment so strong.  One of the things he said to me as we were talking about never feeling like enough really struck me.  He said, we should be giving our 100% everyday, now what that 100% means can be different from day to day, some days it may be "less" than the next, bust we just need to strive to always give our 100% for that day!  He also provided a good reminder that doing talk trees or fulfilling STL responsibilities is another way of administering and I am still inviting others to come unto Christ so I need to stop worrying.  Seriously love that man!

About 3 weeks ago sister Clark was talking to a man from Egypt on the MTR, in a rush because we had to get off I said bye to him and we left without giving him any fliers or our number or anything.  Well the Monday after that I had an email from him.  He had found my blog and gotten my email off of it and expressed interest in meeting again.  We turned him over to the elders and he has met with them twice and become a new investigator!  They told us he had been looking for a church too!  What an awesome miracle!

The mission keeps you on your toes!  This last Saturday at English class there was a lady who came who was probably not in the best mindset well after being asked to leave and swearing up a storm she threatened to bomb the church.  Jokes on her because Heavenly Father sent a typhoon so no one could go out!  Chinese people are sometimes crazy, but I love them!

Moments from the week where you realize your english grammar is no good:

Talking about being super kind-hearted...Me: "Well sometimes I think that is both a vice and a versa"Sister Clark: "You mean a vice and a virtue?"

Me:"How to spell exercise?""Who of you are leaving (getting transferred)?""We will try to be email by 10"

Gotta love Chinese :)

Love,Sister Loo

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