October 1, 2017

A Doozy!!!

This week was a little bit of a doozy.  We had a lot of meetings; which I hate.  We are trying to plan how we will write a paper or report, I guess you could call it, to our district president in hopes of giving him a clearer vision on what exactly our branch needs help on.

Other than that...

Yesterday we had the opportunity to help Island 2 (Filipina sister missionaries) teach sister Lori. First of all they only request our help when they have at least 7 investigators at church so to say there is a little bit of jealousy would be an understatement, but at least we are on the same team with the same boss ;).

This was our third time teaching her so we followed up on her book of Mormon reading and she had read every day. I almost fell off my chair. I don't know if any of my investigators ever read the Book of Mormon and they definitely did not read it everyday. Not only that, but she actually read to understand and she said she received a sign from God that she needs to be baptized! Imagine that, when you do the things the Lord has asked you to do (through the missionaries) you get results or an answer!

I was absolutely blow away by her faith and her sincere desire to know the truth! It was so awesome to have the opportunity to teach a "different kind" of investigator.  Maybe I got a glance of how it is to serve somewhere in South America or something haha.  It seems like a lot of our investigators will say one thing (especially oh I will come to church this sunday) and then the time to do that thing rolls around and they back out. It is getting super frustrating and I am not sure what to do to help them especially since, you know, agency is a thing! Keep praying for patience!

Well guess that is it!

Love you all,
Sister Loo

At this point I am either baking/eating or sleeping haha
Lyn Mo baptism.. one step closer to an eternal family :)

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