June 25, 2017

My Simple Testimony

Because of the new missionary schedule, every six weeks we have the opportunity to have zone conference with our mission president and another zone.  This zone conference seemed to just be about the Book of Mormon and how we can better utilize it in our teaching.  As preach my gospel says, The Book of Mormon, combined with the Spirit is our most powerful tool as missionaries!  This is because the questions of life can be answered through the Book of Mormon and all it takes is a sincere prayer to know of its truthfulness and I can tell you it will change your life! Our mission president extended a challenge to us to read the book of mormon and highlight every time the Saviors name is used.  I have only just begun this challenge, but I can tell you that there is so much highlighted.  It truly is another Testament of Jesus Christ!

We had the opportunity this week to meet with a former investigator named Sonia.  She has been previously meeting with Jehovah's witnesses, but then also agreed to meet with us.  As we were explaining the Book of Mormon she got really confused because it was contrary to what she had been taught.  I realized how amazing it is that we have the whole truth, not just some of it, but the fullness of the gospel that can answer any question we may have, no confusion.

Later in the week I had a little bit of a cold and for the first time ever lost my voice because of the cold.  I never realized how annoying it is to not have a voice, especially when trying to do missionary work because you open your mouth and nothing.  But just like everything that happens in life there is blessings in everything!  So I was asked to give the closing prayer in sacrament meeting and basically had to whisper, but what was really nice and made me feel loved was all the branch members, especially the moms, told me or gave me medicine to take and told me what I should or should not be eating.  It was really nice to see their concern and love as often times Chinese people don't do that.

That was the excitement of the week!  I have a simple testimony of the Book of Mormon, but I have absolutely no doubt that it is the Word of God. Every day I look forward to personal study because it is a time for me to really search the scriptures and deepen my testimony and overtime, without fail, I learn something new. I know that Joseph Smith, through the Power of God translated this amazing book. It testifies of Christ and allows us to really know our Savior and Redeemer. I know that if we apply the principles into our lives, our lives will become "more full" and richer and we will find true happiness.

Thank you for your prayers and support!
I love you all,
Sister Loo

Trying Octopus or squid or something I am not really sure at KBQ (it wasn't good) 

Sunny, (members daughter) she is so cute and sassy :)

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