July 16, 2017

The Beauty of Hong Kong

Unfortunately, this week I do not have many pictures and also don't have much I can say, but this week has truly made me realize that the China Hong Kong mission is unlike any other mission in the world, especially being a Mandarin missionary and working with Mainlanders.  There are some things that we are just unable to share and it is pretty crazy!  With that being said, I love my mission and love the opportunity to serve in this unique mission :)

This week the importance of being humble was shown to me over and over again.  This morning as I was reading about Alma and Amulek I was reminded that he left everything.  His gold, his silver, his land and because he followed the Lord he even was persecuted by his friends and family.  Yet, he knew what was right and continued being obedient to the Lords will for him, continued listening for His guidance and direction.

Along with that we met a lady who would have to do relatively the same things to follow the Savior, but was willing to do it.  In Hong Kong most of the people here have money and live very comfortable lives, which makes them see "no use" for this gospel and the Savior.  They don't understand that the Savior, no matter where you are at, wealthy or poor, can make you more than you can ever make of yourself.

I hope that we can all recognize how much we NEED to rely on the Savior!  When we are humble we are able to recognize truth, recognize the voice of the Spirit and recognize the irreplaceable role the Savior plays in our every day life.

Some funny things to share.......

Living with sister Colombel means....
Just writing in our journals for the night,
Sister Colombel, "Hey do you know Indias national anthem?"
The funny thing is she was completely serious like this was something I was supposed to know!

Fun fact about Hong Kong:
To buy a 200 square feet flat in Wan Chai (where the church is located) would cost you 3-4 million dollars.. 200 sq. ft!!!!  Please appreciate your roomie big houses!

Love you all!
Sister Loo

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