March 5, 2017

Just when I started to get comfortable..

Well I am getting transferred back to Hong Kong Island.  You would think that I would be super happy, but again I have a mix of emotions!  It is amazing how quickly you fall in love with an area and investigators.

It seemed like we were just starting to figure things out, just starting to develop a relationship with the investigators and just starting to meet with new investigators. I know that this is the Lords work though and I don't need to fear as He has a perfect plan.  

So all the visa waiters in the mission have their visas, which is a bummer for us because President Lam likes to put the visa waiters in Mandarin work.  So sister Tang is the first to leave tomorrow and that is why I am heading back to the island to "fill" her spot.  So my new companion is Sister Grover.  I am excited to meet again with old investigators and she says the work is starting to pick up on the island!

This week we met with an investigator named Luchine.  We met with her twice.  She is probably the sassiest person with the most attitude I have ever met, but I love her because she reminds me of well…me…haha.

The first day we met with her I untderstood absolutely nothing she said (she talks so fast).  It was super frustrating as I just had to sit there and could not add anything.

Well, two days later we were meeting with her and I had been praying to be able to understand her to be able to contribute in the lesson and another miracle.. I understood!  It was also such a great lesson and she agreed to come to church!  She doesn't like coming to church and thinks it is extremely boring.  This is the only thing that is stopping her from getting baptized.

During this lesson we tried something different and tried talking to her in a not so "serious" way and we were able to laugh and give her sass as well and she loved it.  I realized that the spirit can testify to someone in lots of different environments and to teach people not lessons!  I will for sure miss her.

Another miracle this week was we were calling people to try and schedule them and we had a potential that we met in the park.  She said she had no time this week so we said we would call her later on in the week to see if something free'd up.

Well, about an hour later she called us and said "are you guys wanting to meet every week?"  We of course said yes we would love too and she said okay I am free on Friday!  Crazyyy!

The spirit definitely was working on her and I am so glad she was willing and excited enough to call us back!

Well that is about all for this week!  Wo ai nimen,
Sister Loo

Feast! We were so proud we could actually make food.
District picture 
China Hong Kong mission Mandarin Missionaries
Less Active we met with last week and took her to the temple grounds.
What better way for her to feel the spirit that has been missing from her life!
JoAnn (member who took us to dim sum.. reminds me of grandma Loo!)
Living with sister Colombel means homemade crepes yumm

Pig heads anyone?

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