March 12, 2017

An Interesting Week to Say the Least…

So this week will be really short as I mostly just got readjusted to the island (Hong Kong island).

A lot of our investigators were not able to meet with us.  I am telling you I am getting quite tired of hearing the, "oh I am super busy right now.. in 2 weeks I might have time".  It is super frustrating to try and teach the gospel once every two weeks because by then most people forget anyway; so we are trying to think of new ways to go about that problem.
Well along with that is we got fang (stood up) 4 times this week.  The funny thing is that each person we called and they were like "oh I am out with friends" or "oh we are at the park?" and we were just sitting there like, well didnt we have an appointment?  Does it mean nothing to you..? So that was super frustrating in itself.
The great news for the week was.. We had a baptism!  Her name is Vivian and she is well.. special.  She walked into the church and we were called (before I left the island) and rushed over to teach her.  From the beginning she knew this church was true and just soaks everything up.  She can talk to you for about an hour about the relationship between Chinese characters and Christianity and how it proves it is true.  She has the Bible basically memorized and is apparently a multi millionaire...we don't know...but she is taking some classed to become a security guard and use the time to read the book of mormon.  So that is a little bit about her.

All in all though yesterday she was the happiest person I have ever seen.  At one point in time she was jumping up and down and clapping, it was so cute.  We had the opportunity to sing as well and I truly have a testimony of the power of music.  We sang an arrangment of "I know that My Redeemer Lives" and everyone came up to us saying how beautiful it was and some ladies were even crying.  It was a wonderful baptismal service that thankfully, went smoothly!

Miracle moment this week.  I am trying to be better at opening my mouth on the MTR.  One night we were heading home and I saw this teenaged girl with a huge bruise on her leg.  What better way to start off a conversation then ask where that bruise came from.. right? :)  We started talking and of course it turned into a gospel conversation of what are you doing here and why are you learning mandarin?  The miracle was she was actually from China so her mother tongue was mandarin and she was more than willing to give us her phone number!  The Lord has truly blessed me with so many miracles when I do what I am commanded.. open my mouth!

So short this week, but there isnt much time!
Wo ai nimen,
Sister Loo​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


Sister Tang got her Visa and now she is heading to temple square :( 
At disneyland they have churros...
...well in a china amusment park they have bao instead...haha!
Ocean park was awesome! Got to see a Panda. 
Vivian's baptism

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