March 25, 2018

Goals to finish strong...

This month our district set goals of 3/10/10/20 (Baptisms, Baptismal dates, At church average and new investigators).  Well when numbers were sent in this week our districts actuals for the month of March was 3/13/10.5/16.  We were absolutely stoked.  At the beginning of the month we set these goals knowing that they were achievable, but that we would really have to work for them and have faith that the Lord would help us if we relied on Him.  One of the elders said he would chang the district if we hit our goals this month too which is always good :) I still remember the days when this district would pull all 0's or maybe one at church, we have come so far and we are slowly improving it is so great!

On Tuesday we were doing calls because we had one appointment in the morning and then nothing the rest of the day until english class at night so we decided to call formers.  Well much to my surprise we called and one they actually picked up and two she scheduled us for that very next day, which doesn't happen... ever.

We were super pumped and to make things even better, she has A TON of potential.  Unfortunately she is going back to mainland and wont be back until the 16 of April, but I am excited to hear about her. She is really looking for the 'right' religion and knows that if she can find the right one it will bring a lot of peace and happiness.

We taught her the Plan of Salvation as she was really interested to the answers to the 3 questions.  She is a single mother of an autistic boy.  At the end of the lesson I had the impression to testify to her that God has entrusted her with a very special, precious soul because he really loves and trusts her.  That even though I dont know how hard the path she has walked and how hard it is to be a single mother and have no family here in Hong Kong that Jesus Christ knows and He is there to help, comfort, and bless her whenever she made need it.

At the end of the lesson we all were teary eyed and she offered the most beautiful sincere prayer to know if the Plan of Salvation really was true.  Sister Dodge and I walked away from that lesson so happy.  As a missionary those are the moments you live for.  To feel the spirit testify through you and to see someone else's face light up as they hear truth!

Funny story that might have been divine design?...

I now take a nap during my meal times and then sister Dodge wakes me up once our time is up.  On Thursday she decided to also take a nap so she set the alarm, but it didnt go off!  We ended up sleeping for 45 minutes over time. She looked at the alarm and there was literally no reason why it shouldnt have gone off so it was super weird.

Anyways, we got up and went with our plan of visiting an RC and her investigator mom.  They NEVER schedule us or always cancel so we planned early in the week to go and just show up at their house. Well, when we arrived at their house she said, "wow we just got home not even 2 minutes ago!" so lets just say it was divine design.  They would not have been there if we didnt sleep longer! 


I think that might be all!
Sister Loo

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