May 28, 2017

An Apostle came this week!

An apostle came this week!  Elder Cook of the quorum of the 12 apostles was kind enough to visit and speak to us.  We even got one of those famous "one-on-one interview handshakes" that only the apostles can do.  All I can say is WOW!!! they are truly inspired men.  His testimony is so powerful.

Unfortunately, he only spoke to us for about an hour and the time literally flew by, but I loved it!  Some things that he shared that were comforting to me was..

He said that missionaries called to the Asia area have special talents and gifts that will help them as the work here is a bit harder.  They have talents or gifts that will help them conquer the challenges placed before them.  So everyone pray that I am able to figure out what mine are so I can use them to help others :)

He also gave an apostolic blessing that my mission will bless everyone I love, if I continue to be faithful and serve with all my heart.  Specifically he added that there were some of us who are wondering, "if we would do more good at home."  
But, the blessing will be when we realize how important, how monumental our missions are.  It truly is an irreplaceable time!

And the other exciting thing that happened this week was our ward had a BBQ at an island called Mui Wo.  So, we had to take a boat to get to this island.  It was a great activity and so much fun, although it is apparently a rule that missionaries can't even take their shoes off so my feet did not get to feel the sand :(  But it was a great opportunity that allowed our branch to be strengthened.  It reminded me that although our numbers are few (very few), it is allowing all the members to individually strengthen their testimonies as well as their relationships with others within the branch.  After all, they have the capability to be eternal relationships.

The mission is so amazing and I am so grateful for the experiences that I am having and the opportunity it provides me to really come to know my Savior.  I know this gospel is true and that we have living prophets and apostles that lead and direct this church!  They really do receive inspiration from God!

I love you all and am continually grateful for the prayers you send my way.
Sister Loo

The elders investigators daughter.. I think I fell in love with her!
Always so tired....
I can literally fall asleep anywhere,
and sister Colombel thinks it is so funny

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