November 27, 2016

Week 2 in Hong Kong...and...some Chicken Feet...YUM!!!

Well it has been another crazy week in Hong Kong!  I have loved every minute of it.  I am still really adjusting to it, but so far so good!

I forgot to share some "odd" things about the mission.

  1. Our schedule is 7am to 11pm because the people here work long hours and also prefer to stay out late, rather than wake up early.
  2. We cannot knock on doors because everyone lives in apartments with a door man, so we mostly do things like go to a park and talk to people or go off referrals.
  3. We teach 2 English classes a week in hopes of getting people interested and sharing the gospel that way.
  4. There is no hot pot or sushi in Hong Kong :)

Well this week Thursday was Thanksgiving, as I am sure you all know, and it was actually a ton of fun.  They gave us the entire day to cook and have fun, so that is much of what we did – and study of course.  Surprisingly, we had a ton of food and it all tasted really good!  It was super fun and while it was different than the thanksgivings I am used too at home, it was a nice change and helped me not be so homesick.

This week I had CHICKEN FEET!  Second week here in Hong Kong and I already had to try it…  Next up is pigs blood or something like that.???  Am I a vampire now???  lol.

Well, we got taken out for dinner and in the soup was chicken feet.  So, of course the assistants knowing I have not tried it were like "she wants it".  To be quite honest it is not awful, but it is the thought of eating a foot that killed me.  But hey, I did, and I tried to do it with a smile :)

I would like to challenge all of you to make the time to do some personal study of the scriptures.  Start with a prayer, being specific, and it will change your whole experience!  Whether you have 10 minutes or an hour, any time is precious with absolutely no distractions.  I have found that I treasure this time and it really gives me the opportunity to strengthen my testimony and conversion to Christ.  I can also really feel Gods love and his comfort when I am feeling lonely.  I have just been going through and reading the Book of Mormon and it is amazing how much the scriptures can apply to our everyday lives!

Lastly, everyone here asks me where I am from and then when I reply America they go (in Mandarin…that I don’t quite yet understand), “but why your skin is so dark.”  I am like oh sorry to disappoint, but my parents are only half…hahaha.

Well Wo ai Nimen!  Until next time!
Sister Loo​

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