March 19, 2017

Do we really know what we have?

​​​​​​This week I was reading a book titled "member missionary work and finding the elect of God."  I came across this statement from a convert who when talking to members said, "The truth set me free.. Do you really know what you have?"

That hit me really hard because I realized I need to teach better to help others feel and come to understand that what I am sharing is special, it will change their life, and bring them SO many unbelievable blessings.  They need to be able to see that in my excitement when I am teaching; so I have tried to implement that.

We are so blessed to have the gospel on the earth today.  To have a living prophet who leads and guides the Lords church, to have another testament of Jesus Christ to learn and study from!

Unfortunately this week one of our golden investigators sent us a text message saying she talked to her mom about baptism and because her mom was so angry about it she is not allowing her to meet with us anymore.  This took us by surprise.  She was so happy and excited to learn.  When we first invited her to be baptized she said, "I am Buddhist and I have the type of personality that does not change things that have been consistent in my life".  Our very last meeting with her she bore her testimony without even knowing that she knew christ would come again, that she knew the book of mormon was true and she knew Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ exist.  After crying for 30 minutes and praying for what seemed like forever I received another overwhelming feeling of comfort and suddenly felt okay about the whole thing. I know that the Lord has perfect, eternal timing and I need to trust in Him.  A sister reminded us, "Charity suffereth long, but it NEVER faileth"  In the end, all will be well :)

A few fun things about my experience in HK...

To end on a funny note we have a business on the first floor of our apartment and the new business isssssss a sex shop!  So that is quite interesting and it has been quite an interesting couple of days.  When we called our mission president to tell him his exact words were ... "oh that's cute."  We waited for awhile until he said, "I will look into it."  Typical President Lam haha

"Hey are you a cantonese elder?"
"Whose Kenny?"
Oh okay pretty close..

Member: "I work in mid-hell" (She was trying to say Mid-levels haha)

So lucky to be a servant of the Lord in the China Hong Kong Mission!  What a privilege it is!
Wo ai nimen,
Sister Loo

Sister Grover decorated my desk for my 6 months :)

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