January 21, 2018

Good Morning!

Good Morning!

Well right now I am stressed about school so I can not think straight.  I just wish I had nothing to think about other than the mission and I was never coming home and didn't have to worry about it!

This week was super busy and we rarely had time for studies which is both a plus and a minus because personal study is always my favorite.  I really understand the importance now of setting aside time to be nourished by the word of God!  It really does wonders to my attitude and outlook on the whole entire day.  But then again, being busy is super awesome as well!  We are currently rearranging our priorities and setting expectations with investigators because I told sister Dodge I feel more like an English teacher than a missionary.  Good thing they don't speak that good of english because I don't think my english is that good anymore!

The highlight of the week was meeting with a less active of about 10+ years.  We called his wife who our Relief Society president told us to try visiting her.  Well when we called her she told us she had no interest in meeting and was not Buddhist.  Well about 45 minutes later we get a call from her husband asking to meet!  When meeting with him a couple of days later we find out that he had a really rough day at work and asked God to give him a miracle and that night we called!  Talk about divine intervention!  Well to make things even better, this guy is awesome.  It seems like he was just itching to get back to church and just needs a little bit of a push.  It is quite amazing because he has a really strong testimony and a lot of faith so I am excited to continue working with him!

We visited a different less active whose daughter previously (sorry I don't know the medical term) had Leukemia.  When we talked with her she explained how even though this was a big trial she remains grateful.  She knew through it all, no matter what happened that everything would be okay. It was really neat and touching to hear her testimony of the Plan of Salvation and that this knowledge gave her an eternal perspective.
Funny moments:

As we were going home from an appointment a 14 year old boy started walking and talking with us (which was weird in the first place because no one ever does that), well as we parted ways we asked him if he would have interest in learning about Jesus Christ and he says, "You know I think I will just stay neutral, like the swiss" 

We were teaching a 16 year old investigator english and one of the questions was describe your ideal husband.  Well she wrote, pretty not too skinny.  When we asked her to expand on what not too skinny meant or looked like she said, "Like you."  Oh great thank you haha!

The mission is awesome!  Thanks for all the love and support,
Sister Loo

P.S. My companion is even worse at taking pictures than me so maybe no more pictures for the rest of my mission haha!

January 14, 2018

Good Morning...


So this week was exciting with the transfer and trying to understand the work and the investigators up here in Kowloon.  For once in my mission I am really looking forward to weekly planning so that I can get a better grip on the area and have a better plan on how to work.  I am excited to see how the Lord will use me and excited to get to work!  My companion is again from Utah (Lehi) and it seems like we will be just fine.  I realized a couple weeks ago that I have been companions with all of my companions for 2 transfers or less and that has been a HUGE blessing.  The Lord has definitely blessed me with more patience on my mission, but 2 transfers is the perfect amount of time with anyone :)

Yesterday we met with an investigator and she asked me if I had any miraculous experiences on my mission, any miracles or any experiences I could share where I truly saw the Lords hand in my life and my happiest moments on the mission.  As I reflected on this I realized that I am the happiest when I can see others come unto christ, see the change that they have made in their life to follow Christ and to be a part of that process.  It really is one of my most favorite things and am so lucky to be able to be a part of His great work!  The gospel-our Savior, if we allow Him, can really change us!

On Tuesday we were able to have one last lesson with Michelle. She currently has a lot of family and work issues, but always finds strength and comfort from prayer.  It was a great lesson and the spirit was so strong.  We talked about finding peace in The Savior and coming unto him. We watched the mormon message "mountains to climb".  She really was able to find peace from the Savior and said that while she was in mainland she went to a friend who is also christian church activity.  At first it was good and they did much of the same things we did like a spiritual thought and sang hymns, but then it got weird and she told us she had to leave because "It wasn't OUR church and it helped me know that this church is true!"  

This week we met with another crazy, super nice lady, but a little bit off.  She kept telling us that she hopes that one day we can talk about our enlightenment and our path to enlightenment.  We tried telling her that we were trying to share that right now, but she again stated that we are on different paths heading the same direction.. interesting.

That should be it!  Love,
Sister Loo
The happiest place on earth other than Church buildings!!!

Last apartment lunch!

January 7, 2018

News of the week from Hong Kong...

The most exciting news of the week is that I am getting transferred.  Last 2 transfers and President is shipping me back up to the area I served in for only 24 days.  Can't say that I was not expecting it though.  I am excited to see what challenges and experiences lie ahead.  I am very sad as I have served on the island basically my whole mission and will really miss all the people down here.  It almost feels like I am leaving Hong Kong because I have only had one area, but I know that I can love these people and this new area just as much!

So yesterday we had an amazing testimony meeting.  The spirit was very strong as member bore their testimonies.  One of my favorite people ever (zhao JM) bore her testimony on how much the gospel blesses families.  Her husband who is not a member has slowly changed from completely opposing the church and never wanting to be home when we are there, to eating dinner and having a conversation with us! She has noticed that as she has been more faithful that her husbands heart is really starting to soften!  She also stated a really simple truth that I loved she said, "I love sharing the gospel and one of the things I love to tell my friends is that this church, this gospel, is a place where they can always find peace from the world, a place where true happiness is found in abundance".  How grateful I am for her and her diligence in living the gospel! (P.S. She also brought a friend to church yesterday so that was awesome!)

On Wednesday we had MLC which was of course amazing.  Almost immediately after we closed and were getting our 'refreshments' our sweet mission president, with tears in his eyes made the announcement that our dear prophet had died. Sister Clark made the comment that we could sing 'We Thank Thee Oh God for a Prophet'.  As we did so I could not help, but cry.  It was a mix of emotions as I went from being sad to happy knowing where he was going and that he could be with his wife again, but mostly just blessed to have a living prophet.  That God does not leave us alone and through his chosen prophet directs his church.  I am so grateful for President Monsons service. There were a lot of members who bore their testimony about living prophets and expressed their gratitude for President Monson yesterday as well.  Most of the branch are recent converts, all except a handful who were baptized while he was prophet.  They felt a connection to him and it was really cool to hear their testimonies.  It is amazing how someone we have never really met in person can have such an impact on us, can really influence our lives and I think that is one way that you know they are prophets of God.

This week we went to Food Angel which is just an organization like the Food Bank that helps food get distributed to the poor and needy.  The first weird thing is that we were wearing jeans, which is just weird and I felt like a normal person haha.  Well next there were volunteers there from Louis Vuitton as well and as they were looking at our name tags they ask Sister Anderson and Sister Rodriguez if they are sisters to which they reply yes. I jump in and say no because I knew what they 'really' meant and then her friend turns and is like wait what and the girl says, 'their nuns!'.  Haha not quite, but it is pretty funny how little people know and the many misconceptions out in the world!
Well there will hopefully be more news next week!  I had something funny to write, but I forgot..oops

Sister Loo

January 1, 2018

Happy New Year...2018!!!

Well today was quite a funny and weird week.  Today marks the start of the new year, the end of my full year in Hong Kong and the time where I realize my time as a missionary is really dwindling!

Anyways, because it is Christmas unfortunately A LOT.. okay no like basically all of our investigators are in Mainland.  So that meant that this week was spent finding.  I have learned to like finding a lot more than I used to, but it seems that we ran into all the cookoos this week.  It was fun and a good realization that everyone needs love and that they are children of God as well!

We were invited over to a Recent Converts house for Hot Pot (SOOO good).  Her husband is not yet a member and she is SO excited to share the gospel with him and all her friends, which is really cool to see. She spends about 3 hours a day reading the Book of Mormon and was telling us last night that she really knows that the book is true and there is no way that these people, these prophets made these things up because the things they write are beyond their intelligence.

Sister Lori also called us this week talking about how all her friends were going out to drink for the new years and she went to the church.  She talked about how she didnt care and is just so much happier now and knows what her goal is and felt Gods love for her at church that day!  It is such a testimony builder to me and a huge blessing to see them as they build their testimony, live the gospel to its fullest and are able to experience the blessings! 

That is it for the week!  新年快乐!
Sister Loo

Some randoms...
We met with a potential this week and while she was showing pictures of her daughter she turns to run and says in Chinese 'This is a back profile picture' and then in English, 'sexy' Hahaha I love hearing the English they know!

This week as we were going out to lunch with a man we met from Nigeria, he finds out how old we are and then says to me, "You know you should really meet my son!  He would really love you." Then turns to my companion and says, "Dont be surprised if you see her and her last name is (his last name)" So unfortunately, I can not obtain any referrals from investigators, but I can for people who want to set me up with their sons!  Yes just what I wanted!  (this story sounds sketchy, but dont worry haha)

Cute little cake (tasted disgusting though)
Hot Pot!
Nandis baptism!
(Sister Clark and I met an egyptian man on the train one day who found my blog and then I gave his name as a referrals to the Elders and He showed up with Nandi to their first lesson with him.  He stopped investigating the church, but she got baptized!  The Lord works in mysterious ways!)