September 28, 2016

7 More to Go...hahahaha


Well it almost feels unreal that this is just a place we prepare to serve.  The days feel like weeks and the weeks are starting to feel like days so I am happy about that!  Although I really just cannot remember what I do each day!

This week was about the same as last week, but I am getting much closer with the girls in my zone and the elders in my district which is super nice because they become like your family.  

Food has not gotten any better, but I think I am getting used to it which I don’t know if that is a blessing or a curse.  I feel like it always just sits in my belly, but don't get me wrong I am grateful that I am fed and that the church has means to provide for all the missionaries here!  I am trying to not eat any sweets or drink soda this week.  Wish me luck, but I probably won't last 3 days haha.

We now have two investigators to teach, which are actually just our teachers, but for some reason that makes me so much more nervous!

So during PCL time (Personal, Companion or Language Study) we were trying to study and one of the elders in my district got a package from his mom and in it was a racquetball.  So two elders I swear can never focus so they throw it around a lot which doesn't bother me.  But we were all talking and Elder Meyers was like, "I always feel bad when I hurt a girl and it is not on purpose.. like they always say it's okay but that makes me feel guilty and I just want them to slap me."  And then maybe like a minute later we were playing catch and Elder Meyers literally throws the ball at my face faster than I thought so I didn’t catch it and it hit me right on the cheek bone.  Luckily, it didn't hurt and I actually thought it was funny so I was like whatever and it didn't bruise so no harm done.  They are all literally the brothers I never wanted hahaha just kidding I love them!

Now for the spiritual thought:
There was a big emphasis placed this week on baptism and why baptism is so important.  One of the things I like most is that baptism is a physical expression, but the REAL treat is receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost.  How amazing is it that when we enter into a covenant with God we are given the gift of having a member of the Godhead with us at all times!  Our choir director said to us "The Holy Ghost is worth any sacrifice to have".  I have learned after hearing so many amazing stories that it is so important to listen to those small simple promptings no matter what because you never know how important they could be.

I cannot wait for conference this week!  What a blessing it is to have a living prophet on the Earth who literally receives revelation from God to direct this church.  And to hear from all the apostles and Seventy and everyone who is called of God!  Look out for the MTC choir Saturday afternoon session, unfortunately they decided they didn't want BeyoncĂ© (me) to sing in it because people would just look at me the whole time haha you win some and lose some ;)

Hope everyone's weeks went well!  I am so grateful for all the love and support you send my way!

Wo ai Nimen!
Sister Loo

(P.S I will send pictures later today to post for the blog)

September 21, 2016

What a week!

It has been quite a week here!  I feel like I have been here for literally forever and it has only been a week!  I am hoping that (and every missionary says) that it speeds up after the first week, but I have enjoyed being here. 8 more weeks to go!

The MTC is crazyyy and like everyone says the spirit is so strong.  I love being around other missionaries who have the same goals and we are united in purpose.  Just seeing the thousand or so missionaries around and knowing that we are all trying (probably struggling) to accomplish the same thing whether that be learning a new language and/or being the best missionary we can.

The first day was just go go go from the start.  Luckily there is not enough time to be tired or even think about falling asleep so that's helpful.  The teachers don't speak any English to you.  I am still so surprised by how much I know and can say and I've only been here a week! My companions name is Sister Clark.  She is from Canada, but moved to Provo for high school.  She is super sweet and is probably the nicest person you will ever meet.  She sees the good in everyone and is so positive.  She studied abroad in China so she knows a lot of Mandarin.  Most of my district has taken it in high school too and all but 2 are white!  The Chinese looking one and the half chinese one were the ones who knew no Chinese hahaha the irony.  I already love my companion and she is so patient and helpful to me while I am trying to catch up.  While some days are better than others I am trying not to get discouraged as I know discouragement is from the adversary.  It is just super frustrating because I want to say so much and I can't.  It is crazy how much I have already learned though.  We have already begun teaching an "investigator",  memorized our purpose, and memorized the baptismal invitation.

I have learned from my companion that there is 20 mandarin speaking missionaries in the mission.  8 of which are sisters and we only cover 5 areas i think.  So me and Sister Clark might be companions again!  Everything just makes me super excited to serve and to teach those from mainland China.

My favorite day is probably Sunday.  Church was amazing, all lessons were on repentance and in relief society Psalms 139:7-14 was shared.  I absolutely love that scripture now.  No matter where we are at in our lives, no matter how far away, no matter how close to rock bottom we are, His hand is extended and I just really liked that.  It doesn't matter how far lost we are God still loves us.  I have felt his love strongly everyday as I've been here and I have loved it!  On Sundays me and Sister Clark go to choir and then devotional.  Choir is my favorite thing.  Listening to everyone sing makes my heart so full and I have to try SO hard not to cry.  It really is the only time we are allowed to listen to music.. I miss my brown hymnbook :(  

The food here is definitely Cafeteria food and is a little bit disgusting.  I've had salad everyday and I dont even like salad so that is something in of itself.  For breakfast I have a donut almost everyday so while I'm not eating much I think I've gained weight hahaha.  We do exercise everyday and they play volleyball which I have missed so much.  It is nice especially when it gets a little more competitive.

I see sister McGlinchy everywhere I go, I think because we are on the same schedule and it is so nice to see a familiar face.  I have also seen Elder Peterson and Elder Parsons before he left and that was nice.  Love seeing people from home.

So much to say so little time...until next week!
Wo ai nimen!​
Sister Loo

My MTC Zone

​They call this "Rocky Mountain sandwhich" cause theyre not even sure what it is.​​